Thursday, May 29, 2008

Watch out motion sickness, here I come!

So today was our trip to Cape Point. I will tell you, I took many many pictures, but it takes forever to load pictures. And I'm on my second blog for the evening and I'm getting very anxious. And ready to play Phase 10 and relax for a bit.

So we definitely were tourists today. We had walking shoes, raincoats, and cameras out. We even had a tour bus today. And, I've decided I get motion sickness from stick shift vehicles that are van/bus size. Our first stop was at Sea Point. This was a view of the Atlantic Ocean.

Now, I'm sure you have noticed the dark clouds. Yes, it rained today. Aaron told us to pray for good weather, and I did. Nope, not yet, don't see it. So, on our way to go on the boat to see some seals. I started to feel sick on the bus, and got off and thought maybe I just needed to eat. So, I had a granola bar, and felt much better just getting fresh air and off the bus. Then, it starts raining on the boat. I am putting my coat on when the boat is already moving and Hilary, Cole and I are all trying to stand with about becoming a man/woman overboard. This was a quite hilarious thing. And, Dad, an umbrella would not have done justice. Rain flies horizontally at you in South Africa, and I still would have been wet. But, my legs were wet, and I had a nice try T-shirt. So after we move inside... I start feeling sick again. And then I start feeling sick. Then it's time to start running to the bathroom, and it begins. I come back out with a smile, and I was happy the rest of the day. But, I never got to see a seal unfortunately. Touring is a lot of work. Motion sickness, long walks, etc.

That is part of Table Mountain in the back. Just wait till you see the view from my house that I am at. BEAUTIFUL!

So, Africa has penguins, and that was our next stop, Smithstown. This is when whatever is up there answered my prayers and gave us sunny beautiful weather. I thought of Happy Feet when I saw them. And now we were at the Indian Ocean. There was one girl who had never seen the ocean and she had her chance. It was great. I tried a new fish called Hike, and it was deep-fried, and really good. I waded through the Indian ocean and here are some more pictures of that. (2 Pictures here)

ThankAfter that, it was off to Cape Point. This is the most Southwestern point of the world. And it was unbelievable. We did a lot of walking, hiking, and it feels like I walked 30 miles today. I did buy some postcards, so those of you who had asked for them, with postage. Then I made the trek all the way down to the point. I did a lot of thinking during this, hence, I did a lot of walking by myself. I was thinking that I felt like I had not even felt like I was studying here today, and I really did feel like a tourist and here on vacation. I can't imagine what I'll be writing when I come back from the townships next week. There will be such a difference, and I'm patiently waiting to find out what happens. I guess that is why this class is a "Cross-Cultural Perspective". This place is beautiful, but the history South Africa has with HIV and apartheid just makes things hard to view, but you can't touch mother nature.

Before you know it, it starts pouring. I did not bring my rain jacket and I am wearing a garbage bag poncho which it was so windy that I was worried while putting it on that I was going to be suffocated while TJ was helping me put it on. Note to self: ALWAYS WEAR THE DANG RAIN COAT.

Well tomorrow is another class and off to Robben Island. This will be interesting, and I have to give background information on this to our group.

1 comment:

Anna said...

The pictures are breathtaking! Thanks for posting pictures - you know I have a hard time when the words are more than one syllable.

Today was the first day I had a chance to sit and catch up on the blog. This blog is great! I wish I was there with you...

Love you.