Thursday, May 8, 2008

Test run!

Hey everyone!

I've set up a blog for all of you to read while I am away in South Africa. Just a little background information to let you know what I will be doing.

It is a May Term session that I'll be going to in Cape Town, South Africa. Seventeen students are going total, and an instructor, Aaron will be with us. The class that I am taking is a "Cross-Cultural Perspective on the AIDS Pandemic". I will be staying in Cape Town, near Cape Town University, but spending a lot of time in Gugulethu, which is a township outside of Cape Town.

I leave May 25th, and come back June 14th. Lately I have been collecting medical supplies, shampoo, black socks and children's underwear. If you have anything you would like to give me, send it to me back home in Duluth because I will be going home for a week before I leave.

I hope you take the time to read this, I wanted to make sure I was able to share my experiences with you right at that moment!


hager096 said...

Can't wait to read more! You're going to have so much fun girl! Good luck!! :D


nila said...

I am so excited about this site! Don't worry -- its already bookmarked! Have fun Lil. Cannot wait to hear all about it

Unknown said...

Hi Maryam! Hope you had safe flights and are on your way to exploring South Africa! Great title for your blog site by the way... Jenny